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Class: WebAPI_JSON

Source Location: /WebAPI/WebAPI/WebAPI_JSON.php

Class Overview

JSON API for WebAPI Package


Class Details

[line 27]
JSON API for WebAPI Package

UTF-8 관련 conflict에 상관 없이 json encoding

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Class Methods

static method decode [line 125]

static stdClass decode( string $data, [int $assoc = false], [int $depth = 512], [ $options = 0])

utf8 conflict 및 binary data 를 해결한 json encode wrapper


since:  1.0.5
access:  public


string   $data   json data
int   $assoc   (optional) User specified recursion depth (default: 512)
int   $depth   (optional) Bitmask of JSON decode options. Currently only JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING is supported (default is to cast large integers as floats)

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static method encode [line 81]

static string encode( mixed $data, [bool $nopretty = false], [bool $normal = true])

utf8 conflict 및 binary data 를 해결한 json encode wrapper


access:  public


mixed   $data   encode할 변수
bool   $nopretty   (optional) pretty 출력 여부. 기본값 false이며 이는 pretty 출력 을 의미한다. pretty 인자는 php 5.4 부터 지원한다. [기본값 false]
bool   $normal   (optional) binary safe를 위한 normalize를 할지 여부 [기본값 true]

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Documentation generated on Tue, 14 May 2019 02:00:50 +0900 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4